The Road to Stress-Free Childbirth

Publisher: Kosmos 

The ultimate pregnancy guide, from the desire to become parents to childbirth

Doete Reitsma has been leading successful childbirths for years


Doete Reitsma is the breakthrough guide in the field of pregnancy and childbirth, bringing existing movements together in an innovative way. As a medical midwife, in this book she provides practical information based on scientific research and she helps the expectant mother to relax through meditations, hypnobirthing and exercises. This method is catching on with a rapidly growing group of followers (both pregnant women and midwives!), as it is unique in combining a clinical approach with a more holistic one.


‘I still can’t describe how magical this home birth was. This time it went very quickly and I found the pain much more manageable, because I really listened to my body. After a tough pregnancy, this was only a birth I could dream of, and now it has really become a reality.’ – DubbelZen participant

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